My own Theme Challenge

So.. I’ve spent the last few days thinking about the 100 Themes Challenge and I’ve decided to give it my personal touch. Some of the themes bothered me rather than inspired and when I found the second set of themes I decided to take the best out of them both and make my own list. And then I came up with some themes I really wanted to go for that weren’t on any list so I added them and changed it to 123 themes instead. Why not make it a huge challenge? ehe..

I’m glad I have most of my life left to complete this, I don’t dare to set any time limit but if I manage to complete it this year I will have to figure out some sort of reward I think!

Anyhow, the themes I’m going to use are (I hope I removed all duplicates):

They are also available on a separate page: 123 Themes.

  1. Beginning / Introduction
  2. Love
  3. Light
  4. Dark
  5. Heaven
  6. Innocence
  7. Memories
  8. Insanity
  9. Smile
  10. Silence
  11. Red
  12. Rainbow
  13. Gray
  14. Vacation
  15. Mother
  16. Cat
  17. No Time
  18. Trouble Lurking
  19. Tears
  20. Sunset
  21. Sorrow
  22. Happiness
  23. Under the Rain
  24. Flowers
  25. Night
  26. Stars
  27. Precious Treasure
  28. Eyes
  29. Moon
  30. Dreams
  31. Two Roads
  32. Illusion
  33. Family
  34. Creation
  35. Childhood
  36. Stripes
  37. Sport
  38. Danger Ahead
  39. Fairy Tale
  40. Magic
  41. Do Not Disturb
  42. Playing the Melody
  43. 67%
  44. I Can’t
  45. Work
  46. Mirror
  47. Broken Pieces
  48. Drink
  49. Words
  50. Pen and Paper
  51. Reading/books
  52. Pearls
  53. Out Cold
  54. Spiral
  55. Sea
  56. Food
  57. Pain
  58. Humor
  59. Triangle
  60. Puzzle
  61. Drive
  62. Water
  63. Fire
  64. Earth
  65. Air
  66. Tropical
  67. Arctic
  68. Birth
  69. Spring
  70. Summer
  71. Autumn
  72. Winter
  73. School
  74. Forest
  75. Farm
  76. Angels
  77. Scary
  78. Envy
  79. Flight
  80. Bird
  81. Beast
  82. Fish
  83. Classics
  84. Friendship
  85. Music
  86. Dresses
  87. Passion
  88. Success
  89. Plastic
  90. Clouds
  91. Sky
  92. Stars
  93. Space
  94. Animals
  95. Adventure
  96. Home
  97. Magic
  98. Technology
  99. Mountains
  100. Rain
  101. Wisdom
  102. Balance
  103. Ancient
  104. Waiting
  105. Obsession
  106. Advertisement
  107. In the Storm
  108. Glamour
  109. Princess
  110. Sweet
  111. Sweden
  112. Berlin
  113. Ooh, shiny!
  114. Cartoon
  115. Rock
  116. Teamwork
  117. Ego
  118. Manga
  119. Easter
  120. Coffee
  121. Seven
  122. Storage
  123. Ending

Another set of 100 Themes

I just found another set of 100 Themes, right here at DeviantART. Some interesting themes there that might be easier to work with, I just might mix them all up or replace some of the themes in the first list. I have to think about it, some themes in the first list are quite hard to work with unless you can draw or maybe use photography. We will see! I might even end up going for 200 themes ;)

100 Themes Challenge

Veronica showed me this 100 themes challenge and told me she is going to draw the 100 themes. I’ve been thinking about this challenge and I think I’m going to give it a try. I won’t even try to draw them all, maybe a few, but I was thinking about making it a huge creative project instead using all my creativity and crafting skills. Might go for some photography, sketching, sewing, paper craft, jewelery making and whatever else I can come up with. I suppose it will take some time to complete it but that’s OK, it will be fun and challenging along the way!

I haven’t decided if I’m going to follow them by numbers or just pick a random theme I feel like working with, I guess it will be random but we will see. I have a few ideas for some of them already! I’m looking forward to this project, give me weekend and crafting club Saturday now!

Some inspiration from DeviantART, if you like art, check out The 100 Themes Challenge gallery.

A name card for Emilia

My cousin got a daugther in August last year and a few weeks before Christmas they had a naming ceremony for her. Her name is Emilia and I decided to buy a necklace and make a nice card for her.

I wanted to make something girly, I had a feeling her parents would appreciate it so I digged up all the pink paper I could find and decided to go for some flowers and stripes.
I used my scallop lace border punch on the flower paper and printed her name in a neat font since I can’t write. I drew some shadow on the letters, added two diamonds and a few flowers. And I almost forgot to make a hole for the necklace so I just cut a plain and simple circle in the middle of the card and made sure the backside would fit somewhat.

I am quite pleased with the card, I guess I will look at it one day and think it’s horrible and ugly but Emilia’s parents liked it and I’m happy with that!

Can’t say the pictures show the colors in their full brightness but you get a hint at least!

The inside says “On your naming day from Therese”.

Happy New 2011

This year Malin and I made a deal so I will probably focus more on cooking and making healthy food. Hopefully this won’t turn into a food blog, but I guess there will be more food than usual! And to continue in that direction I though I’d share my New Years Eve Menu!

I actually cooked the same menu last new year’s but I just had to get a second chance on the dessert. Unfortunately I still need a second (or third) chance, it turned out better than last year but still not gooey enough in the middle!

For next year I might change it a bit and make a chocolate cupcake instead, I have a recipe for cupcakes that are like brownies and I think it will be perfect. Or I’ll try to make real chocolate fondants. I promised Malin to treat her one!

New Years Eve Menu 2010

Avocado and Crème Fraiche on some lettuce with shrimps on top

Beef tenderloin with Balsamico sauce and roasted potatoes with basil and Parmesan cheese

A chocolate cake (not really a fondant but was supposed to be like one) with raspberry sorbet and pistachio sprinkles

Enough of the good stuff and bring the vegetables! It’s time to think twice before eating unnecessary sugar or drinking a soda. Hello calorie counting and work outs!
I’ll do my best to find delicious and healthy food to share with you, and of course, lots and lots of crafting!
Happy healthy 2011!

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The Chrismas Crafts of 2010

Christmas and the New Year celebrations are over. I finally have some time to update all the things I made for Christmas!

I hope this year will bring lots of crafting and inspiration to you all!

So, here are some pictures. I mostly made candy, I love making Christmas candy! I didn’t have time to make as much as I use to but it was more than enough anyway! Enjoy!

Sprinkles (I did not make them, they just look nice)

Rocky Road

Chocolate dipped marshmallows

A ginger bread house for granny, made by my brother

Christmas candy for granny, truffles with a taste of orange (cointreau) and chocolate covered marzipan and nougat (they were just too good, my favorite!)

Toffee, or knäck as we call it in Sweden!

And last but not least, some crafting. Cards and gift wrapping! I spent a day just wrapping up gifts together with Malin, Jen and Tricks. We had some sushi at the end of the day and Malin’s car had to be digged out from the parking lot, the amount of snow is just ridiculous. I was tempted to throw myself in, it looked so nice and soft.. and.. much and as far as I remember it’s fun to play in the snow!

All gifts wrapped up and looking neat. I went crazy with the decorative sticks.. he he..

The Christmas cards of 2010! Much better than last year ;)